Are you ready to revolutionize your prospecting game? Join our SDR track to explore cutting-edge strategies, tools, and techniques that will supercharge your outreach efforts. From crafting compelling cold emails to mastering the art of engaging cold calls, this track is designed to equip you with the skills needed to fill your pipeline with high-quality leads. Learn from top experts in the field and connect with fellow SDRs to exchange insights and success stories.
Artificial Intelligence
Outreach & Prospecting
Description to be announced.
In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt bleibt die menschliche Kommunikation im Verkaufsprozess unerlässlich. Vom ersten Cold Call bis zum abschließenden Vertragsabschluss ist der persönliche Kontakt der entscheidende Faktor, der über Erfolg oder Misserfolg entscheidet. Masterclass für effektives Prospecting und Sales Konversation
Cold Calling
Outreach & Prospecting
Join Cisar to discover the untapped potential of cold calling and learn how to transform traditional phone outreach into a strategic networking tool by adopting a buyer-centric approach. Build your framework to go beyond receiving a „yes“ or a „no“ and start building relationships by demonstrating market knowledge and providing valuable insights instead of pitching your product. Learn to research on the questions that actually matter and go beyond the well known ICP and Buyer Persona, to be prepared for any situation you’ll face!
Outreach & Prospecting
Description to be announced.
Viele Unternehmen erwarten bis heute noch einen abgeschlossenen Bachelor in der Wirtschaft, damit sie Kandidaten überhaupt in Erwägung ziehen. Helena hat als Schauspielerin begonnen und damit in ihrer Sales Karriere ihre SDR Ziele 10/12 Monaten übertroffen und als AE über 340% ihrer Jahresquota erreicht. Sales ist nicht ein Ort für nur ein Typ Mensch, sondern ein Circus für alle Farben und Künste, die es gibt. Wieso besprecht ihr mit Helena in ihrer Masterclass!
Enterprise Sales
BANT, SUGAR, SPIN, NEAT - wir kennen Sie alle. Und irgendwie machen wir auch alle etwas daraus, aber so wirklich funktionieren wills halt nicht. Denn wenn wir alle alles umsetzen würden, was in diesen Frameworks steht, hätten wir eine Conversion von nahezu 100% und die hat dann doch keiner. Woran liegt es aber, dass manche SDRs und AEs eine viel höhere Conversion haben als andere - und dann sind das auch noch die, die gar kein Framework anwenden?!
Outreach & Prospecting
Unlock the Power of Meaningful Outreach: Seid dabei, wenn Jan seine Geheimnisse verrät, wie Er in seiner Rolle als SDR mit dem Konzept “Meaningful Outreach” Sinn und Freude im täglichen Arbeiten gefunden hat. Meaningfulness ist Personalisierung und Relevanz in jedem Touchpoint. Für dich persönlich aber besonders für deine Prospects. Deshalb möchte Janmit euch heute teilen, wie auch Ihr Meaningfulness in Eurer Arbeit als SDRs finden könnt und dabei gleichzeitig jede Menge Spaß habt.
Outreach & Prospecting
In diesem Workshop erstellen Teilnehmer, zusammen mit Mattia Schaper (Co-Founderin bei SDRs of Germany und Ex-Salesloft) gemeinsam kreative Outbound Cadences, die definitiv für Aufmerksamkeit bei Prospects sorgen.
"Ich weiß nicht was für mich der nächste Step ist.", “Meine Firma investiert nicht in mich.”, “Mein Manager coacht mich nicht.” Wir alle kennen diese Aussagen. Ich jedenfalls, weil ich mich früher genauso gefühlt habe: Im Stich gelassen. Nicht unterstützt. Ohne Plan. Nach 10 Jahren dieses Gefühls weiß ich inzwischen, dass ich im Driver Seat meiner Karriere sitze. In dieser Keynote will ich dir verraten, wie ich zu diesem Learning gekommen bin und welche Dinge mir geholfen haben, speziell im Tech Sales meinen eigenen Karrierepfad zu definieren.
Enterprise Sales
Do you feel the general persona description on your company's library is not enough for you to PROPERLY understand your prospects? You're not alone. In this session, SDRs will learn questioning techniques for insightful interviews. Learn to ask the right questions, gain relevant customer insights, and get an accurate overview of your buyer persona that will help you craft an effective outreach strategy.
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Have you always wondered how exactly you manage the balance between automation and individuality in the sales process? Is it worth the time and effort to individualize everything in a highly professional and tailor-made way after extensive research? When do I use which instrument and what is more efficient? How can I balance the conflicting goals of the topics? We look at the numbers!
You sure know how to win a customer! But do you know how you win in job interviews? And how can you find out if the job is the right one for you? Christian has the experience of more than 500 job interviews as a hiring manager at Microsoft, Personio and finway. In this workshop he will share how to succeed in the hiring process and how to avoid common mistakes.
In this inspiring talk, join Kyan as he shares his incredible story of going from a Business Development Representative (BDR) to a successful Account Executive in just 8 months. It's a path that usually takes 2 to 3 years, but Kyan broke records and built strong relationships to get there faster.Through exciting stories and personal experiences, Kyan will show you the steps he took and the people he connected with to make this leap in his career. He'll reveal the strategies he used to surpass expectations and achieve remarkable success in the sales world.Kyan's talk is all about determination, networking, and setting goals. You'll learn how he made the most of opportunities, built valuable connections, and stayed focused on his ambitions. Universities and aspiring professionals have left with valuable insights on accelerating their own careers, knowing that with the right mindset, anything is possible.
Cold Calling
In this practical workshop, we will explore the perfect cold calling playbook. Learn how to analyze, construct, and optimize a cold call in detail. We prepare you to respond immediately and confidently to any customer reaction.Discover how you can make calls as effectively as a professional with the help of an AI-assisted co-pilot and interactive playbooks. Benefit from the expert knowledge that has already led companies like Celonis and Personio to success and unicorn status, and apply it specifically for generating new customer contacts.
Enterprise Sales
Join Dr. Christian Reinhardt, renowned sport psychologist and Director of Sales Enablement at SoSafe, in an eye-opening workshop on mastering the art of video calls. As sales increasingly pivot to web demos, harnessing the power of psychological hacks in virtual meetings becomes paramount. In this transformative session, Dr. Reinhardt unveils a repertoire of strategic hacks and delves into the psychological mechanisms underpinning their effectiveness. Participants will gain invaluable insights into elevating the quality of their video calls effortlessly. Prepare to witness a paradigm shift in your approach as Dr. Reinhardt empowers you to revolutionize your video communication. Your perception of video calls will never be the same.
Would you like to know how to consistently master the full sales cycle? Learn to set the right priorities and invest your time wisely. What does a high performer do differently from other salespeople, and what techniques do they employ? In this training, you'll learn everything about the full sales cycle, how to harness the power of each phase for yourself, and not just act as a seller but think as a buyer!
In 2024 buying can be harder than selling. Defining "CHAMPIONS" and the critical role they play in the buying journey can and will be quite advantageous for you. In any complex sales process, whether it’s selling your product to a company or selling yourself in a job interview, you have to have a Champion. The Champion, simply put, is the person that sells you or your product when you are not in the room. But not everyone who likes you and your product is a Champion. Oftentimes they are a Coach. What’s the difference? In this session you will learn HOW and WHEN to identify a Champion, stress-test them for true motivation and coach them to sell internally on your behalf.
The secret sauce of 90% of top performers at work? A high EQ.Most of us believe that we are, but the facts tell a different story: only 36% of people worldwide are! In my talk, I'll debunk common myths about EQ, and share how to develop your emotional intelligence and active listening skills so that you can actually sell tangible/intangible value, adapt to different buying persona's personalities and influence people like never before.
With Generative AI ushering in a new way of working across all industries, sales departments are transforming the way they are collecting and utilizing data across the sales journey. Discover in this keynote how data can be used in personalization; negotiation; decision making processes, and learn how to establish repeatable processes grounded in data insights for consistent results. Gain actionable strategies to integrate data-driven practices from various methodologies into daily workflows and drive revenue growth.
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