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One Festival for Europe‘s Top Talent in Sales and customer Success

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AE Track

Closing Deals with Confidence

Take your deal-closing abilities to new heights in our AE track. Dive into advanced negotiation tactics, objection handling, and relationship-building techniques that will empower you to navigate complex sales cycles with finesse. Learn from seasoned AEs who have mastered the art of consultative selling and discover how to tailor your approach for different buyer personas. Elevate your revenue-generating skills and forge lasting customer relationships that drive business growth.

Manuel Hartmann

Manuel Hartmann


Sales Career - What it will take in 2025 to establish your career path to earn EUR 1 Mio. / year




The times of "growth at all costs" are over. Investors, founders, CEOs and sales leaders stopped to "throw more bodies at the revenue problem". They are still willing to establish extraordinary careers & compensation - for extraordinary results. This masterclass will equip you with unique insights from working with 250+ B2B SaaS ventures and interviewing 50+ Top 0.1% Sales Leaders on what it takes to earn 7-figures per year and how you could also get there within less than a decade.

Anika Behrens

Anika Behrens


Wie du als AE mit dem 30-60-90 Plan ab dem ersten Monats Deals closed





Wie man als AE ab dem ersten Monat Deals closed, Leadership Skills beweist und strukturiert an sein Ziel kommt! Mit der Hilfe des 30-60-90 Plans gibt Anika wertvolle Einblicke in einen praxisnahen Plan, der nicht nur ihr, sondern bereits vielen anderen AEs geholfen hat, ab dem ersten Monat an erfolgreich durchzustarten.

Morten Wolff

Morten Wolff


Verkaufspsychologie - darum kaufen deine Kunden (nicht)




Erst wer verstanden hat, warum Menschen kaufen, wird in der Lage sein das eigene Angebot verkaufen zu können. Von Überzeugungstechnik bis Manipulation. Dieser Talk gibt einen Einblick in die Menschliche Psyche und zeigt wie dadurch mehr Umsatz generiert wird.

Alexander Weltzsch

Alexander Weltzsch


Become an AI juggler: Master the high-wire act of lead generation, AI-powered outreach, and deal conversion.



Artificial Intelligence

Outreach & Prospecting


Step right up and become an AI juggler in the modern sales arena! Join our masterclass and uncover the power of AI for lead generation, outreach, and deal conversion. Discover the magic of Dealcode AI, a groundbreaking solution that transforms how sales professionals engage with leads. Learn to balance the key elements of a successful sales strategy, from identifying potential leads to scaling personalized outreach and closing deals. With Dealcode AI, automate your sales act and focus on making sales and wowing the crowd. This masterclass goes beyond theory—walk away with a lead list, a ready-to-launch campaign, and real-time responses. Learn the art of juggling sales activities like a seasoned ringmaster and turn the seemingly impossible into an exciting and rewarding spectacle!

Britta Behrens

Britta Behrens


Social Selling Hack Attack for LinkedIn


Personal Branding

Social Selling

In her presentation, Britta will teach you the latest hacks and successful strategies for taking social selling to the next level. She will show you the finer points and workarounds of the LinkedIn Sales Navigator and other ingenious sales tools. You will learn how to use LinkedIn events for lead acquisition and which exciting innovations LinkedIn has in store for social sellers. Don't miss these social selling impulses.

Jiri Siklar

Jiri Siklar


Art of Discovery: Selling to big fish & Master the Enterprise Sales Play


Enterprise Sales



Your conversion rate should be higher? Many of your deals end up in oblivion? Your customers are ghosting you? This is NOT due to your "closing" skills, but rather your discovery skills. In this masterclass, I will reveal to you 3 question techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that uncover the true nature of your problems and thus increase your closing rates.

Dominic Blank

Dominic Blank


How to do effective (impact) discovery in enterprise sales


Enterprise Sales


Discovery is where most deals get lost or go dark. Especially in enterprise business. It's often done superficially and sellers never get to impact stage. In this masterclass, we are sharing best practices from our Academy on how to structure end-to-end discovery in more complex enterprise sales to really get to where the magic happens. Hosted by hyrise cofounder Dominic and senior sales trainer Max this masterclass will include super fun and hands-on roleplaying during the session.

Alan Ruchtein

Alan Ruchtein


Unlock the Secrets of the Perfect Discovery Call


Outreach & Prospecting

Cold Calling

Uncover the secret sauce of successful sales conversations. Join this masterclass to learn proven techniques and strategies that will elevate your discovery calls to new heights, empowering you to close more deals and drive exponential growth.

Niklas Harzheim

Niklas Harzheim


Master the Give/Get Scorecard: Qualify, Accelerate, and Close More Deals


Enterprise Sales

Gain a competitive advantage and boost your win rates with seasoned Account Executive Niklas Harzheim. Discover the Give/Get Scorecard, a powerful framework for closing bigger deals faster. This proven tool ensures a balanced value exchange, maximizing win potential while strategically qualifying opportunities at every stage. Niklas will share real-world examples of integrating the scorecard into a successful sales process.

Christian Krause

Christian Krause


Pareto Rules in Sales: How To Focus On The 20% That Matter, And Ignore The Rest



Mental Health

Did you know that 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of customers? That 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts? That you get 80% of our work done in 20% of your time? Pareto rules in sales, and in life. In this keynote I will show you how to focus your energy, resources and time to get more done with less. You will learn how to identify the right activities, the right prospects and the right deals. If you want to achieve your sales goals by working smarter instead of harder, then you cannot miss this session!

Christoph Karger

Christoph Karger


Building a Sustainable Sales Pipeline through referrals, based on trusted Relationships




Join Chris in a high-impact workshop as you will discuss the secrets of leveraging trust and relationships in prospecting to build a thriving pipeline through referrals. Discover why referrals are a game-changer in today's sales landscape and learn how to cultivate relationships that go beyond mere transactions. Get actionable tips on effective referral requests and ensure a steady influx of valuable referrals. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your sales approach and unlock the growth potential based on trust and relationships!

Sascha Guck

Sascha Guck


Curtain Call for Urgency: Wie Du die Magie der Dringlichkeit evozierst.



'Curtain Call for Urgency' ist der Hochseilakt, der Deine Sales-Künste auf ein neues Level hebt. In diesem Workshop jonglieren wir nicht mit Bällen, sondern mit den Elementen effektiver Discovery-Gespräche und der Psychologie der Dringlichkeit. Lerne, wie Du wirklich die verborgenen Bedürfnisse Deiner Kunden enthüllen und ein Gefühl der Dringlichkeit erzeugen kannst, so dass Deine Kunden schneller als ein Kanonenball ins Handeln kommen.

Florian Dostert

Florian Dostert


How to generate enterprise revenue pipeline - AI enabled and driven by buyer relevance


Enterprise Sales

Outreach & Prospecting

"If people like you, they will listen.If people trust you, they will do business with you." Zig Zigler could't not be more right. Beeing liked is important to get a foot in the door - but not enough to generate qualified enterprise pipeline. How to make a C-Level or 2nd level Manager trust me - so that he/she sees me as a partner from the #1 impression? This is what we discover in 50 minutes interactive workshop, including insights from leading DACH Enterprise Revenue Organizations like Celonis, Signavio, SoSafe and more.

Olimpia Hordynski

Olimpia Hordynski


How to overcome the Imposter Syndrome and become the best version of the Sales Person you want to become.



Mental Health


This workshop is designed to help sellers overcome imposter syndrome, boost their confidence, and unlock their full potential in their sales careers. Participants will engage in interactive sessions, discussions, and activities aimed at building self-awareness, fostering a growth mindset, and developing strategies to thrive as sellers.

Charlotte Lloyd

Charlotte Lloyd


Title to be announced

Description to be announced

Joachim Schreiner

Joachim Schreiner


Title to be announced


Enterprise Sales


Description to be announced

Christian Reinhardt

Christian Reinhardt


Psychological hacks for video calls


Enterprise Sales



Join Dr. Christian Reinhardt, renowned sport psychologist and Director of Sales Enablement at SoSafe, in an eye-opening workshop on mastering the art of video calls. As sales increasingly pivot to web demos, harnessing the power of psychological hacks in virtual meetings becomes paramount. In this transformative session, Dr. Reinhardt unveils a repertoire of strategic hacks and delves into the psychological mechanisms underpinning their effectiveness. Participants will gain invaluable insights into elevating the quality of their video calls effortlessly. Prepare to witness a paradigm shift in your approach as Dr. Reinhardt empowers you to revolutionize your video communication. Your perception of video calls will never be the same.

Theresa Schäfer

Theresa Schäfer


The power of full cycle sales




Would you like to know how to consistently master the full sales cycle? Learn to set the right priorities and invest your time wisely. What does a high performer do differently from other salespeople, and what techniques do they employ? In this training, you'll learn everything about the full sales cycle, how to harness the power of each phase for yourself, and not just act as a seller but think as a buyer!

Melanie Wagner

Melanie Wagner


The Making of a Champion




In 2024 buying can be harder than selling. Defining "CHAMPIONS" and the critical role they play in the buying journey can and will be quite advantageous for you. In any complex sales process, whether it’s selling your product to a company or selling yourself in a job interview, you have to have a Champion. The Champion, simply put, is the person that sells you or your product when you are not in the room. But not everyone who likes you and your product is a Champion. Oftentimes they are a Coach. What’s the difference? In this session you will learn HOW and WHEN to identify a Champion, stress-test them for true motivation and coach them to sell internally on your behalf.

Stephanie Herre

Stephanie Herre


Your secret sauce for value selling: Emotional Intelligence






The secret sauce of 90% of top performers at work? A high EQ.Most of us believe that we are, but the facts tell a different story: only 36% of people worldwide are! In my talk, I'll debunk common myths about EQ, and share how to develop your emotional intelligence and active listening skills so that you can actually sell tangible/intangible value, adapt to different buying persona's personalities and influence people like never before.

Cassie Yusofi

Cassie Yusofi


From Gut-feel to Repeatable Process: How to do Sales the Data-Driven Way





With Generative AI ushering in a new way of working across all industries, sales departments are transforming the way they are collecting and utilizing data across the sales journey. Discover in this keynote how data can be used in personalization; negotiation; decision making processes, and learn how to establish repeatable processes grounded in data insights for consistent results. Gain actionable strategies to integrate data-driven practices from various methodologies into daily workflows and drive revenue growth.

Dominik Drechsler

Dominik Drechsler


Title to be announced



Description to be announced

Many more Masterclasses and Trainings to be anounced soon

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